Verein Kulturbiotop

Meet Us!

Every first Monday of the month we have our public meeting, starting 7:30pm!

About us

The Kulturbiotop association is the little dandelion that blooms in the concrete desert of Zurich North. We plan and organise concerts and events at Mundwerk, entirely on a voluntary basis. Small to medium-sized artists perform on a small, alternative stage in front of a music-interested audience.

Our members and helpers organise together events such as jams, concerts and (MarioKart) parties. Once a month we meet to divide up our shifts. Everyone can try out different areas: Whether as a bartender at the taps, as a sympathetic companion to the artists backstage, as a first impression at the entrance, as a technician at the sound or light desk or to decorate, photograph, set up and clear the stage.

Everyone contributes their own knowledge and can use existing knowledge. In this way we create an atmosphere in which we benefit from each other. from eachother profit.

We are for each other whether for parties, moving help or deep conversations in the early morning. As a member, you can also use the room outside of work.

If you want to join our disparate team, write to us at

The board of the association Kulturbiotop consists of the following persons: Corinne Studer in charge of Helpers Planning Vanessa Battilana for Booking . Kay Böhringer is in charge beverages and of running the bar. Kevin Cina for finance Theo Trümpy für die Technik.

As an additional body appointed by the board of directors, the works council ensures the daily operation of the club's premises, the Mundwerk. Each person present helps to shape the works council. All members of the association are automatically members of the works council if they are present.

Booking, drink orders, flyer design, technology, cleaning is organized by the works council.

The members and helpers of our association meet on the first Monday of the month for the association meeting to control the work of the council. At the meeting, the shifts of helpers at events are distributed and also external matters are discussed.

Members and helpers

The association Kulturbiotop consists of about 20 active members and many other helpers and sympathizers. Together they carry out the events in the Mundwerk and other places (e.g. Mundwerkbars at the Openair Greifensee and Örlikerfest).

Active club members benefit from reduced prices at the bar and can attend all concerts for free. If you don't want to become a member right away, you can also "get a taste" of our operation as a helper without any obligation.

Helping out at Mundwerk has many advantages, because anyone who actively assists on a concert evening receives free drinks and a vegan dinner in addition to an exciting insight behind the concert scenes. In addition, each helper is allowed to put one person on the guest list on the respective evening, who then also receives free admission.

All active members meet once a month for the helper meeting. Here the past events are discussed and the upcoming concerts and events are planned. Of course, members also have the possibility to plan events or concerts themselves or to suggest bands. The membership fee is set by the general assembly, it is currently free between 40 and 60 CHF per year.

Are you interested in the concert and bar business?

Hast du Lust mal hinter der Bar, in der Technik, im Backstage, im Booking, an der Kasse oder im Flyerdesign mitzuarbeiten? Willst du auch von allen Vorteilen profitieren? Dann schreib uns am besten eine Mail an: oder sprich am nächsten Konzert jemanden an der Bar an oder komm einfach an die nächste Helfersitzung. Während der Hauptsaison (September-Juni) findet die Helfersitzung an jedem vierten Montag im Monat ab 19:30 Uhr im Mundwerk statt.

Die aktuellen Statuten findest du here.

Board and Officers

The work in the association is divided into different departments. The following are the persons responsible for the departments

Helper PlanningTamara Ochsner
Cashier:Kevin Cina
Bar Manager/Host:Kay Böhringer
Chief Technology Officer:Theo Trümpy


Revision: Philipp Albrecht und Sven Stuckert
Booking: vakant
